Car and motorcycle colors should matter to you, but maybe not just for aesthetics. We all know that various factors increase the odds of a car or motorcycle wreck, including:
- Road conditions
- Weather conditions
- Alertness of drivers
- Time of day
- Broken headlights
- Bad Brakes
- Distractions while driving
The list goes on, but most of us may not think to add vehicle color to that list. The fact is, car color plays a role in the likelihood of an auto collision, and According to American Auto Insurance, some colors are more dangerous than others.

1.Black Cars and Motorcycles
Black cars and motorcycles are the most dangerous color on the road. Not only are black vehicles more difficult to see when it's dark out, but these cars and motorcycles also blend in with black-top roads during the day. Reader’s Digest reports that black vehicles could be 12% more likely to be involved in an accident than the safest vehicle colors.
2. Blue Cars and Motorcycles
Blue is another color, that if dark enough, makes for difficult visibility in the low light of early morning, late evening, or nighttime. Even bright blue cars may cause an issue, as jarring colors can be disorienting.
3. Green Cars and Motorcycles
Vehicles that are a darker green may be hard for other drivers to see when it's dark out, and they can also blend in with their surroundings. Dark green cars driving through more wooded regions, or areas with a lot of green vegetation, are sometimes hard to see.
4. Grey and Silver Cars and Motorcycles
Grey and Silver may not initially seem like a dangerous vehicle color. After all, these are lighter colors that are more visible in the dark. That said, these colors can blend into rainy surroundings or foggy environments. rain and fog can additionally affect road surface, making it slick and more difficult to stop.
5. Red Cars and Motorcycles
Red is also a bright color, and many are surprised to learn it makes the list of dangerous car colors. While the assumption can be that people who drive red cars like to go fast, red cars also blend in with signage, emergency vehicles, and brake lights. Red also isn't a bright enough color to stand out at nighttime.
What Should You Do About Your Car Color?
If you're in the market for a new or new-to-you car, you should consider options with brighter colors. According to an Autolist article, safer car color options include:
- White
- Gold
- Yellow
These brighter colors will aid in visibility and help others on the road see you. Of course, right now, the car market is difficult, and you may not be able to find the car you want in your preferred color. Or, you may not be looking to buy a vehicle right now, despite having a more dangerously colored vehicle. If you drive a dangerously colored vehicle, you should always ensure your headlights are in proper working order. Consider always driving with your headlights on. Motorcyclists should also think about wearing reflective clothing at night.
It's also always important to stay vigilant while driving and be prepared for other drivers who may be distracted or otherwise reckless.
When to Call a Connecticut Car Crash Injury Lawyer
Even drivers and motorcyclists with the safest colored vehicles can still fall victim to another driver's recklessness or negligence. According to data provided by the U.S. Department of Transportation, over 1,300 serious injury auto collisions were reported in 2021 in Connecticut. That same year, 270 deaths resulted from car wrecks in Connecticut. When tragedy strikes, you and your loved ones deserve to work with an experienced attorney ready to fight for justice.
I know how difficult it is for victims to mount a legal case against another driver in the wake of financial and emotional losses. That is why I, attorney Jim Miron, proudly represent victims of these injustices. If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a car wreck in Connecticut, call me today at 203.339.5991, or contact my office online for a free case consultation.
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