Why Driving in Connecticut on The Day Before Thanksgiving is So Dangerous

Loved ones traverse the country to be with one another for the holidays, and Thanksgiving is no exception. AAA predicts more than 53.4 million people expected to travel, the highest single-year increase since 2005, this Thanksgiving, and they bring more than warm greetings with them. Holiday travelers mark a significant influx in motor vehicle collisions that, unfortunately, devastate some during an otherwise joyful season. Traffic-related deaths in Connecticut are up almost 16 percent since last year and the state Department of Transportation is urging people to be cautious on the roads during the holiday season. statewide on and around Thanksgiving. This increased risk can be attributed to both who is on the road and how many of them there are.
More Visitors Traveling by Car
The COVID-19 pandemic has stifled air travel for many Thanksgiving travelers. Those who wish to see family without exposing themselves to the increased risks of COVID are opting to travel by car. Others who may be less worried about COVID exposure, but are concerned with the seemingly endless reports of flight cancellations, are also planning to hit the road instead of the skies. Simply put, more people on the road means more collisions.
More Out-of-Towners
In addition to the influx of drivers on Connecticut roadways, there are increased numbers of people visiting locations they aren't very familiar with. To further exacerbate the issue, these visitors may be in rental cars they haven't yet gotten the hang of. This scenario is a recipe for disaster. Out-of-town travelers may be distracted by navigation, or they may not realize they haven't turned the headlights on in their rental car.
More Intoxicated Drivers
“Eat, drink, and be merry” is an essential Thanksgiving tenet, but too many individuals take their drinking beyond the limit and then get behind the wheel of the car. Whether it's the long holiday weekend, the stresses of family gatherings, or the genuine merriment of being near loved ones, there are numerous reasons individuals over-indulge in spirits in the days leading up to Thanksgiving. The results on the road can be devastating.
Speak with an Experienced Connecticut Car Collision Lawyer
When another person's careless, negligent or reckless driving causes injury to you or your loved ones, you have rights.
Don't get hurt twice!
Contact Jim Miron, Attorney at Law online,Call (203) 339-5991 today to schedule a free and confidential case evaluation or click here to contact Jim Miron.
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